»Every Audi brand space is generous and open. A clear, airy environment that is both clean and inviting creates an optimal area where product showcases and key communication messages take centre stage.«
The Audi brand architecture is characterised by a few, clearly defined components. These basic elements, which are used in all projects, must then be complemented by incorporating the environment around them and adding appropriate content.
Special features on location: a rounded space
In the case of rounded construction features, the curvature of a wall is counterbalanced with flat communication elements. These serve to guide the eye and in so doing put emphasis on particular highlights (e.g. LED surfaces).
The use of a circular highlight element to stage a vehicle is, however, not excluded.
»Colours, surfaces, materials and furniture are combined harmoniously to create an inviting atmosphere. Thoughtful compositions bring together room structure and design.«
The brand space adopts a calm, basic colour scheme. With a few strong accents via materials, colours, communication tools, lighting or furniture, one or more Brand Agenda Topics can be highlighted. Sustainable construction and material selection should be considered.
Corporate Identity Colour Palette
In the third dimension, the addition of a grey tone supplements Audi’s CI colours. Black, white and grey thus comprise the colours used in the brand space. The colour –progressive red – is used to highlight the ‘Performance’ Brand Agenda Topic. It otherwise plays a subordinate role in a branded space – where it is only used as an accent or a graphic element. If possible, colour should only be introduced into a space via materials. The grey tone is featured predominantly through the use of concrete.
The Audi brand space can be staged by implementing one or more Brand Agenda Topics and the corresponding form and content. Each topic therefore has a specific colour and material palette that’s available.
The Brand Agenda Topics are communicated using a specific narrative. For this reason, the selection of materials, furniture, lighting and graphics is predefined.
Example above: the ‘Design’ Brand Agenda Topic is defined by using specialised communication, materials, lighting and furniture.
Zoning & Visual Axes
»Clear, precise and easy to follow – zoning and visual axes form the basis for how intuitively a space can be interpreted and are therefore an essential design element.«
Zoning is deliberately used to create clear and uncluttered areas, while permitting sneak glances across to the staging of the individual Brand Agenda Topics. Symmetry is always avoided.
If possible, our site should be located where the largest flow of visitors is expected. An analysis of the most important main axes provides information regarding a potentially prominent and ideal location. When choosing a site, it is also necessary to decide whether proximity to other strategically relevant exhibitors is an advantage or not. Preferably, the exhibition area should have at least three visible sides.
The rings are positioned so that they can be seen from a distance. To this end, they should be placed as high up as possible in a visible area and not be obscured by other structures.
For details see chapter Brand in Space > Communication > Use of Rings.
When displaying vehicles, care must be taken to ensure clear positioning and zoning. The vehicles are arranged in an orderly fashion without creating the impression of their being on a parking lot.
Depending on the size, several Brand Agenda Topics can be staged. These include individual vehicle segments, themed groups or highlights. The fronts of the vehicles should face towards the visitor flow.
For all events, it is important to ensure exciting perspectives that lead the visitors across the entire exhibition space and encourage them to linger. This is achieved with the help of visual axes that do not immediately reveal everything and so guide the visitor to explore the exhibition more deeply.
The reception offers our guests orientation and a warm welcome.
Regardless of the chosen design, the reception is always the first and central point of contact for our guests. He/she is personally welcomed here, accredited and provided with relevant information.
The Audi brand logo provides additional orientation and must be positioned in such a way that it is clearly recognisable to visitors from various main approach directions. More details in Brand in Space Communication.
In addition to the four rings, an event- or location-specific message, the name of the event or a "Welcome" in the respective national language can be assigned to the rings. The general guidelines apply in Basics Rings, Typography.
Media surfaces can communicate additional content appropriate to the event or location and support the welcoming gesture.
Graphics as a welcome gesture
When using large graphics, both the brand logo and a supplementary message can be integrated into an image motif. The specified guidelines apply in Brand in space Communication and general guidelines Basics Rings, Typography.
Alternative reception with an upright table
In order to create an informal yet concise and clear reception situation, an upright table with seating can also be used instead of a classic counter. An overlay carpet helps to define the location of the reception area. The trademark, a "Welcome" or even the event name, provide orientation and clearly define the reception as the central point of contact.
»Unambiguous, precise, reduced and thus unmistakably Audi –these are the principles we use when selecting and designing the brand spaces in which we present our products.«
The choice of location always relates to the everyday life of our target group. From the city selected, to the surroundings and infrastructure, up to the architectural design language − all these parameters guide the decision-making process.
If possible, the local surroundings should be integrated into the event. The focus when selecting the right environment is on clear architecture that is representative of the Audi brand and serves as a deliberate backdrop for the event. Attention should be paid to ensuring sufficient ceiling height in the surrounding space and, if possible, column-free areas.