UX Paradigms
The Audi brand is not only defined by its visual appearance. When it comes to interactive channels the question also has to be asked: what defines interaction with the brand across all applications and devices?
We set ourselves the goal of making interaction as simple and as positive as possible for our customers so that the experience is associated with the brand, thereby supporting lasting loyalty. On the path to achieving this goal, the UX paradigms provide a shared basis for developing new ideas and striving for constant improvement.
We personalize our service so as to provide each customer with an individual user experience.
Habits, needs, individual mobility, personal devices, security and privacy: all these differ from one user to the next. So we enable users to change or supplement content according to their individual preferences.
Users can choose individually from a range of different interests, positions and objectives. They may also take on different roles such as potential customer, buyer or owner. To create a positive experience, it is important to understand and incorporate the needs and aims of the user in the design.
We use a clear visual language to users on all channels and offer recurring solutions. Entire sets of content, hierarchies and functions are structured identically across all devices. We give functions the same name and apply animations in the same way. In this way, we make it easier for users to perform complex tasks and we create a uniform overall experience.
Clear terms in unambiguous language help establish clarity when performing a task. We focus on the essentials and guide the user through particular highlights and animations by means of a clear-cut hierarchy. We provide clear feedback to user input and show where a piece of information or state has come from, how up-to-date it is, what it means and how it can be changed.
Transparency and data protection are very important to the user. Since more and more services are interconnected across different systems and devices, the user has to be able to rely on every element in the ecosystem.
By clearly communicating the system states we are able to give the user the opportunity to view all the relevant information. In the event of problems, we notify the user immediately and provide support in solving the problem, as well as treating user information as confidential.
Details are not optional: they are a fundamental component of our visual appearance. We apply details such as animations selectively so as to create a high-quality, thrilling and hallmark overall user experience.