Performance is an Attitude
At Audi, the red rhombus stands for performance and sportiness and is a natural part of our attitude. The appearance of the R/RS/S models reflects our passion for progressive premium through a cultivated and sophisticated, yet energetic tonality. The visual appearance is differentiated solely by the use of the badge and an elegant and impressive expression of the image style. All other brand elements (rings, colours, typography, etc.) are used as described in the Basics chapter.
The badge is placed at a distance of at least one rhombus height above or below the headline. The Audi rings are placed opposite the badge in the layout. This ensures that the distance between the badge and the Audi rings is always as large as possible.
If the badge and the rings are horizontally aligned with each other, the badge is placed to the left of the rings. The typographic baseline of the model designation is then aligned with the inner edge of the rings. Both picture marks are therefore visually separated by the model designation.
A balanced relationship between the badge and the headline exists if the height of the rhombus is 70% of the cap height. The height of the badge can then be reduced to up to 30% of the cap height. These proportions between headline and badge are for orientation purposes only and can be adjusted flexibly.
TVC Ending/Opener
Also for the Audi R/RS/S models exclusive use is made of the Audi TVC ending and opener. The respective software is available for download.