Dealer Advertisement
Leveraging the strength of the brand
Whether it’s a campaign, nationwide advertising for dealers or dealers’ own advertising measures, our passion for progressive premium has to be visible and perceptible through all contact channels. All communication media and the visual imagery should therefore reflect the Audi brand appearance:
- High-quality and understated as well as authentic and self-confident.
- Clear-cut, precise, reduced and therefore unmistakable
Market-specific adjustments can be made following the rules set out below only to comply with the legal regulations.
When designing advertising for dealers, the brand elements (rings, brand claim, colours, typography, image style, layout structure and icons) are used as described in the “Basics” chapter. The guides for advertisement and online banners also serve as a basis.
Recommended distances to the format and space borders can be determined using the "Minimum Distance Calculator" provided here. These minimum distances also serve as orientation within additional layout spaces. In the case of cut rings, the minimum distances to the format border do not apply.
It’s important to be recognisable and stand out from the competition. Three different forms of traditional communication can help achieve this:
Nationwide advertising: e.g. traditional campaigns featuring the manufacturer’s signature. This has to follow the general rules for communication media, advertisement.
Nationwide advertising for dealers
This is only relevant for certain markets.
- Full-surface image
- All elements cropped
- Own layout space for dealer information (name and address block and optional elements such as icons)
Dealers’ own advertising
Dealers’ advertisements featuring the dealer’s or group signature, usually in smaller formats.
- Layouts always an image with rings and headline
- Space for copy text, partner name and address block as final information
The Audi rings can be used in all line thicknesses in advertisements. They are always placed in the image and are given the brand colours of black or white. Unless a specific line thickness has been stipulated for the rings in communication measures, e.g. to tie in with an ongoing product campaign, the Audi rings standard are to be used for preference. The rings must not be cut off from above or by adjacent images and/or spaces.
Basics > Rings
Text can be typeset in the brand colours of black and white. Audi Type Extended is used for headlines and (optional) sublines and for the name of the dealer. Typography is always:
- wrapped with a ragged margin,
- left- or right-aligned for preference,
- in both upper and lower case as appropriate.
Basics > Typography
Colours and layout structure
If the layout is split into spaces, these can be coloured in full tone black or white. Advertisements in portrait orientation will always have the text underneath the image, while it can be placed on either the right or left in landscape format. Make sure that the layout never appears too fragmented. The dealer information, amongst other things, is placed in the layout space.
Basics > Colours
Basics > Layout Structure
Brand claim and wordmarks
Wordmarks for business divisions are treated like the Audi brand claim as a basic principle. They are always used on a single line. If a word mark such as Audi Financial Services is used, the brand claim will not be – they never appear together. No more than one word mark may be used in a layout.
Basics > Brand Claim
Corporate branding > Wordmarks
Our images are powerful, express understatement with a premium standard, and reflect at the same time a balance between perfection and authenticity. When choosing a photo, ideally only a single vehicle will be shown – but never more than three.
Basics > Imagery
Headlines and sublines
- Headlines: Audi Type Extended, minimum font size 17 pt
- Optional sublines: Audi Type Extended, minimum font size 12 pt
Copy and offer description
- Audi Type Wide Normal, minimum font size 8.5 pt
- Audi Type Wide Bold, minimum font size 8.5 pt for optional award information
Audi Partner (Dealership Sampleman)
- Audi Type Extended Bold, minimum font size: 12 pt
- Max. 1 line, no italics
- The addition “R8 Dealer” and the addition “Audi Service” for pure service companies are typeset in monochrome underneath the name, using Audi Type Extended Normal and the same size as the name of the Audi partner.
- The name of the Audi partner is separated by a blank line above the address block.
- Alternatively, the partner’s logo can be used in the defined maximum size.
Joint advertisements
- All the above rules on typography and positioning apply.
- The group name is typeset in Audi Type Extended Bold.
- Multiple addresses can be placed one above the other or in two columns.
- For group advertising, the addresses of all Audi partners are typeset in Audi Type Wide Normal, minimum font size 8.5 pt.
- A group logo can be used in black or white.
- If several dealers are placing an advertisement, the name of each dealer is typeset in Audi Type Wide Normal and placed in front of the address in the address block. In this case, the group name typeset in Audi Type Extended will not be shown.
- Multiple logos are not to appear.
Brand claim and wordmarks
- Audi Type Extended Bold/Normal, from 7.5 pt to max. 12 pt depending on advertisement format
- The Audi brand claim and the wordmarks are always typeset on a single line, using upper and lower case as appropriate.
- The brand claim or wordmarks are always placed on the image.
Basics > Brand Claim
- If legally permitted: Audi Type Extended, normal to bold
- Minimum font size: 12 pt, beyond that freely scalable, but always smaller than the headline
The recommended definitions have been made clearer using a German business advertisement by way of an example. The legal regulations must be observed.
- Audi Type Normal, minimum font size 7 pt
The statutory provisions applicable to the specific market must be complied with.
Address block
- Audi Type Wide Normal, minimum font size: 8.5 pt, for address block; company name and additions for agents and points of sale above the address
Partner logos (optional)
- As an option, the Audi partners may use their own typographical logo in black/white.
- It can be no higher than a four-line address block and must always be smaller than the rings.
- Partner logos can be placed in the lower format corner, aligned either horizontally or vertically to the address block. They are always in the background and never in the centre of the design.
- Audi Centres never have individual logos
QR codes
The statutory provisions applicable to the specific market must be complied with.
If a QR code is placed in the layout, it will be transparent. Depending on the format, it will be aligned horizontally or vertically with the lowest line of the address block, in the image or in the layout space. The maximum size is 15 x 15 mm. If it is placed underneath the address block, the elements will be separated by at least one blank line. The use of special shapes in the QR code (e.g. small rings) is not permitted.
Audi icons (optional)
Icons can be added in black or white. Depending on the format, the icons are to be used in small or large in original size for digital media. In non-digital media, the size to be used will depend on the size of the text used in the same context. Small icons should be one and a half times the size of the copy text in pt and large icons three times the size in pt. Social media icons are always placed in one of the bottom format corners, aligned horizontally or vertically with the bottom line of the address block. Likewise, they are only used in black or white.
If the icons are placed underneath the address block, the elements will be separated by at least one blank line.
Basics > Icons
Disturbers are an optional element for dealers’ own advertising. They must not be made up of non-standard shapes (e.g. circular, flag-shaped. etc.) or be rotated. They can be used in all brand colours. No more than one disturber (bar or space) is to be used per advertisement. Offer prices and details of instalments are not to be designed as disturber.
Space-shaped disturber (preferred)
- The disturber is positioned horizontally, full-bleed and integrated as an additional layout space.
- It is positioned between the layout space and the image or at the bottom format border.
- Text on the disturber is to be typeset in Audi Type Extended Bold, black or white, left-aligned to the edge of the space, minimum font size 12 pt
- No more than two lines on the space, no italics
- The gap between the upper and lower borders of the space and the text on the disturber will be twice the cap height.
- The space is always shaded in the full tone brand colours black, white or red. White lettering is always used on a red background.
Bar-shaped disturber
- Positioned between the copy and the sender block, the disturber must be flush with the copy text.
- Text is to be typeset in Audi Type Extended Bold, black or white, left-aligned to the bar, minimum font size 12 pt
- The disturber can consist of one or two bars. In this case, each line will have its own colour field.
- The bar height will correspond to twice the cap height of the text.
- Text to be centred inside the bar, with a gap of one space to the left and two to the right.
- The gap between the bar and the copy above and between the bar and the sender block below is to be the height of one bar.
- If there are two lines, the gap between the bars is to be ⅛ of the height of a bar.
- The bar is always shaded in the full tone brand colours of black, white or red. White lettering is always used on a red background.
Online Banner
To lead the viewer to external content such as a website or an offer, a button is used as a distinct call to action. This should be formulated as clearly as possible and given a clear hierarchy. Communication Media > Online Banners.
Radio commercials – brief check
The heartbeat always signals the end of an ad and follows the spoken version of the “Vorsprung durch Technik” claim. The files are available to download. The claim is omitted in shorter advertisements (less than 20 seconds long). The heartbeat is only to be used in the original version provided.
TVC ending
The TVC ending can be customised with the dealer address using the software.