White, black and a progressive red: these are the Audi brand colours. The order is immaterial because there is no hierarchy here. What matters is that the colours support the message you want to convey and the overall layout is not too colourful.
Audi Colour Library
1.7 KB
Audi Brand Colours
The brand colours are equal in status and always appear in full tone. They may not be darkened, lightened or displayed transparently.
RGB: 255/255/255
HEX: #ffffff
CMYK: 0/0/0/0
RAL: 9010
NCS: S 0500-N
Avery 900: 900
3M Scotchcal: SC 50-10 White
(vehicle lettering)
RGB: 0/0/0
HEX: #000000
CMYK: 40/0/0/100
Pantone Black
For functional applications, the colour palette can be extended to include grey tones ranging from white to black.
RGB: 26/26/26
HEX: #1a1a1a
RGB: 102/102/102
HEX: #666666
RGB: 179/179/179
HEX: #b3b3b3
RGB: 229/229/229
HEX: #e5e5e5
RGB: 51/51/51
HEX: #333333
RGB: 128/128/128
HEX: #808080
RGB: 204/204/204
HEX: #cccccc
RGB: 242/242/242
HEX: #f2f2f2
RGB: 76/76/76
HEX: #4c4c4c
RGB: 153/153/153
HEX: #999999
RGB: 217/217/217
HEX: #d9d9d9
Audi Signal Colours
The Audi Signal Colours are used solely for notifications, warnings and status messages if a colour differentiation is required. Red can be used in blocks, while yellow and green may only be used for typography and icons.
Signal Green
Light Theme
HEX: #0DA20D
RGB: 13/162/13
Dark Theme
HEX: #15da15
RGB: 21/218/21
Signal Yellow
Light Theme
HEX: #ffaa00
RGB: 255/170/0
Dark Theme
HEX: #ffaa00
RGB: 255/170/0
Signal Red
Light Theme
HEX: #eb0d3f
RGB: 235/13/63
Dark Theme
HEX: #fd2c4e
RGB: 253/44/78
Audi Charging Colours
The Audi charging colours are only used in the context of electric vehicles – either as part of a user interface or to indicate active charging processes. The charging colours may only be applied selectively and sparingly.